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Search results for References by hillman smith, k.
Hillman Smith, K., 1998. The current status of the Northern white rhino in Garamba. Pachyderm 25: 104-105, tables 1-2


Smith, F.; Hillman Smith, K., 1998. Report July 1998: Garamba National Park Project. Report, pp. 1-20


Smith, F.; Hillman Smith, K., 1998. Report July 1997 to June 1998: Garamba National Park Project. Report, pp. 1-3


Hillman Smith, K., 1997. Das noerdliche Breitmaulnashorn: pp. 173-183, figs.1-4, table 1, 2 maps 1-2

 In: Anonymous Die Nashoerner: Begegnung mit urzeitliche Kolossen. Fuert, Filander Verlag: pp. 1-258


Karesh, W.B.; Hillman Smith, K.; Smith, F.; Atalia, M.; Morkel, P.; Torres, A.; House, C.; Braselton, W.E.; Dierenfeld, E.S., 1997. Elephants, buffalo, kob, and rhinoceros: immobilization, telemetry and health evaluations. Proceedings of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians 1997: 296-300, tables 1-3


Hillman Smith, K., 1997. Report July - December 1997: Garamba National Park Project, Conservation of the northern white rhinoceros, Democratic Republic of Congo. Report, pp. 1-12


Smith, F.; Hillman Smith, K., 1997. Conservation crises and potential solutions: example of Garamba National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo. Typewritten, Paper presented to II World Congress of the International Ranger Federation, San Jose, Costa Rica, 25-29 September 1997, pp. 1-4


Hillman Smith, K.; Smith, F., 1997. Clouds over Garamba. Swara 20 (2), 12-14


Hillman Smith, K.; Atalia, C.P.M.; Milledge, S., 1996. Garamba National Park Project: Rhino monitoring training manual. Report, Garamba National Park Project, pp. 1-23


Hillman Smith, K., 1996. Report July - December 1996, with annual overview for 1996: Garamba National Park Project, Conservation of the northern white rhinoceros in Garamba National Park, Zaire. Report, pp. 1-7


Hillman Smith, K.; Smith, F.; Dublin, H.; Foose, T.J., 1996. Options document to guide strategy development for the Northern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum cottoni), pp. i-iii, 1-30

 In: Foose, T.J. Northern white rhinoceros conservation strategy workshop. White Oak Conservation Center, 18-20 October 1995. No place, International Rhino Foundation: [unpaginated]


Hillman Smith, K., 1995. Annual Report 1995: Garamba National Park, monitoring and research. Report, pp. 1-10


Hillman Smith, K.; Smith, F., 1995. A male northern white rhinoceros. Pachyderm 20: frontcover


Hillman Smith, K.; Atalia, M.; Likango, M.; Smith, F.; Ndey, A.; Panziama, G., 1995. Garamba National Park: General aerial count 1995 and evaluation of the status and trends of the ecosystem. Report, pp. 1-109


Hillman Smith, K.; Smith, F.; Dublin, H.; Foose, T., 1995. Companion reference document to options document to guide strategy development for the Northern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum cottoni). Report, pp. 1-131


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